Friday, March 22, 2013

Weekend Links 3/23

I'm posting these a bit early this weekend because when I get off of work today, I'm headed camping with a few friends from church, where I will gladly give up all computer access for the joy of hiking, campfires and friendships. See you all in a few days!

Sibling Rivalry in the Church - "As soon as I see her as sister, I must see her as my equal. That's a hard pill for many of us to swallow. If she is my sister, there is no hierarchy--not one of us better than the other, not one prettier or more deserved or more important or more worthy."

It Is Not We Who Can Sustain the Church - Marc Cortez shares a wonderful reminder from Martin Luther.

After Steubenville: 25 Things our Sons Need to Know About Manhood - "When the prevailing thinking is boys will be boys — girls will be garbage. And that is never the heart of God."

I am not Your Wife, Sister or Daughter - This comes with a strong language warning, but it is an important reminder. "The truth is that I am someone’s wife. I am also someone’s mother. I am someone’s daughter, and someone’s sister. But those are not the things that define me, or make me valuable in this world. Those are not the reasons that I should be able to live a life free from rape, sexual assault or any kind of violent crime."

An Open Letter to the Church from A Lesbian - "We do not ask for your acceptance of our sins any more than we accept yours. We simply ask for the same support, love, guidance, and most of all hope that is given to the rest of your congregation. We are your brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not what we shall be, but thank God, we are not what we were."

The Sentence Against God - Beautiful, beautiful truths. Don't miss this.

Confessions of a Woman Who Didn't Like Theology - "Nevertheless, I'm convinced you should care, and here's why: I represent members of your church. Maybe a large segment, maybe a smaller one, but I guarantee they're out there. With this reality in mind, l'd like to offer three insights from an unnatural theology lover."

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